Categorised by respiratory condition, procedure or service, you will find programmes that focus on the most important aspect of patient care.
100,0Making a diagnosis of Asthma
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100,0Application of Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide
100,0Long term management of Asthma
100,0NHS Wales HealthHub apps: AsthmaHub
90,10NHS Wales Green Agenda: Sustainable Inhaler PrescribingIn Progress
100,0Green Inhaler QI Project
100,0Making a diagnosis of COPD
100,0Long term management of COPD
100,0NHS Wales HealthHub apps: COPDHub
100,0Management of acute exacerbation of COPD
100,0Making a diagnosis of Asthma in Children
100,0Management of Paediatric Asthma in the Community
100,0NHS Wales HealthHub apps: AsthmaHub for parents
100,0All Wales Guidelines for the Management of RSV Bronchiolitis
100,0Performance of ELCBG
100,0Interpretation of ELCBG
100,0Non-Invasive Ventilation in the Acute Setting
100,0Practical Competency – Non-Invasive Ventilation in the Acute Setting
100,0Management of Community Acquired Pneumonia
100,0Early Referral of Suspected Interstitial Lung Disease
100,0Proactive management of Interstitial Lung Disease in primary care
100,0Early identification of Tuberculosis in the Community
100,0Identification and Management of Refugees at Risk of Drug-Resistant TB
100,0Essential Management of a Tracheostomy (adults, in hospital)
100,0Essential Management of a Child with a Tracheostomy
100,0Running a Tracheostomy Service
100,0Essential Management of a Tracheostomy in the Community
100,0Management of a Tracheostomy-related Emergency (for Ambulance Clinicians)
100,0Routine Care for a Chest Drain on a Respiratory Ward
100,0Appropriate referral for suspected Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
100,0Appropriate Referral of a Patient into the HOS
100,0IV antibiotics for the Management of Bronchiectasis in the Community
100,0Performance of Spirometry
100,0Interpretation of Spirometry