
Assessment of suspected Community Acquired Pneumonia

New consolidation on a chest x-ray

Assessing severity using the CURB65 score

1st line, 2nd line and 3rd line antibiotic options

The aim of this National Welsh Standard is to ensure we are checking the diagnosis, assessing severity and considering co-morbidities when a patient presents to hospital with suspected Community Acquired Pneumonia, before initiating the most effective antibiotic therapy.
Check out the All Wales guideline, TV show and tutorials on the hospital management of community acquired pneumonia. When you are ready, navigate to the assessment to achieve the certificate against the National Welsh Standard (NWS).
This National Guideline has been developed for secondary care in Wales. The guideline is broken down into 5 simple steps, with a heavy emphasis on not just the antibiotic choices, but making sure we are checking the diagnosis of pneumonia, assessing severity and considering co-morbidities.
In this episode, we are joined by Dr Sinan Eccles, National Community Acquired Pneumonia Clinical Lead and Consultant Respiratory Physician, to unveil The All Wales Community Acquired Pneumonia Secondary Care Guideline.
All-Wales Secondary Care Community Acquired Pneumonia Guideline |
45-minute case-based assessment
25 multiple choice questions
80% pass mark (20 out of 25)
Unlimited retakes
On successful completion, your certificate will appear under this tab.
Undertake Assessment