NHS Wales Green Agenda: Sustainable Inhaler Prescribing – ICST

NHS Wales Green Agenda: Sustainable Inhaler Prescribing

Metered-dose inhalers contain man made liquefied, compressed hydrofluorocarbons gases that act as a propellant to atomise the drug to deliver the medicine to the patient. HFCs, although not ozone depleting, are still potent greenhouse gases, and contribute to global warming and climate change. In the UK approximately 70% of inhalers used are MDIs which is much higher than many other European countries.

The aim of this National Welsh Standard, is to reduce NHS Wales’ carbon footprint by reducing the percentage of metered dose inhalers prescribed, from 70% to less than 20%, by 2025. The Green Agenda will outline which inhalers are better for the environment, provide clarity on how to switch inhalers safely (adults and children) and how to follow up patients following the switch.


Sustainable inhaler prescribing in primary care

Minimising the environmental impact of Asthma and COPD management

Considerations for children with Asthma

Launch Event Recording: Green Inhaler QI Project

The SPIRA dashboard

Completing this QI Project

Demonstration patient consultation: COPD review

Demonstration patient consultation: Asthma review

LAUNCH EVENT RECORDING: NHS Wales Green Agenda – Sustainable Inhaler Prescribing


All-Wales COPD Management and Prescribing Guideline

All-Wales Adult Asthma Management and Prescribing Guideline


Slides for HCPs: Sustainable inhaler prescribing

A short slide presentation for HCPs to use to help make sustainability a priority

Slides for practices – internal discussion

For internal discussion about this Green Inhaler QI Project.

Green Agenda: Live Event recording for patients with Asthma and COPD

NHS Wales held an event to discuss the environmental impact of inhalers used to treat asthma and COPD

Green Inhaler QI Project – template form

A suggested template for recording your practice’s progress against the QI project, for submission to your healthboard on completion

Letter to Community Pharmacy Teams

A template letter, for practices to let their community pharmacy colleagues know that they are undertaking this project

NICE Patient Decision Support Aid

NICE have produced a patient decision aid to support inhaler choice for patients and HCPs

Reliever Reliance Test

This is a self-test designed to help asthma patients understand if they are over-reliant on their reliever inhaler

COPE Data Collection Proforma

Improving the diagnostic certainty and treatment optimisation of patients on COPD register

Template letter – asthma review invitation (EN)

Inviting patients for a review of their asthma, particularly those who are high SABA users.

NHS Wales Decarbonisation Strategic Delivery Plan

How NHS Wales can play its part in the recovery and its commitment to the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

QIF Green Inhaler QI Project

QMS Contract 2022/2023 – Mandatory

QI Projects

Green Inhaler QI Project

Please note - this is a supporting toolkit for the QIF Mandatory Green Inhaler QI Project


Overview of the project

This QI project will reduce the environmental impact of respiratory prescribing and help achieve the targets of the NHS Wales Decarbonisation Strategic Delivery Plan

Why is it important?

Overuse of SABA inhalers, in asthma, is associated with increased risk of exacerbation and mortality as well as contributing hugely to the NHS carbon footprint.

© Institute of Clinical Science and Technology (ICST) 2020 Support: support@icst.org.uk