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The All Wales COVID-19 Hospital guideline
Coronavirus and the novel COVID-19
The delay phase: flattening the curve
Finding a vaccine for COVID-19
Principles of an Antiviral and finding a cure for COVID-19
Spread of the virus
Testing Antibodies
COVID-19 throat swab
Testing PCR
Bacterial versus viral infection
Natural progression of the disease
What makes the virus novel?
Immune responses to COVID-19 and vaccines
Susceptibility to COVID-19
COVID-19 and underlying lung disease
COVID-19 and underlying cardiac disease
The Principles of Cohort Management
COVID-19 Patient Data Collection Form
Chaplaincy and spiritual care during COVID-19
The mental health impact of COVID-19 on NHS staff
Personal Protective Equipment in COVID-19
Uniform and footwear during COVID-19
Aerosol Generating Procedures in the Community
Sessional use of PPE in a social care setting
Sessional use of PPE in a hospital
Principles and aims of the COVID Recovery App
A virtual tour of the app
How to get the App to your patients
Overview of NHS Wales Rehabilitation Framework
Rehabilitation Services for COVID Recovery
What about people indirectly affected by COVID-19?
When to refer: Respiratory complications
When to refer: Respiratory complications
When to refer: Cardiac complications
When to refer: Neurological complications
How to assess a patient over the phone
In-person assessment
Pulse oximetry
The Point-of-Care COVID Test
Palliative care and ethical framework
Likely other respiratory
Risk stratification; high, moderate and low risk
COVID Front door and non COVID Front door
Virtual ward
Top tips for assessing respiratory status remotely
Meeting the needs of people with learning disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic
Pharmacological symptom control measures for palliative care in the community
Assessment of a patient presenting to hospital
Face to face assessment of patients by paramedics
Interpreting COVID-19 Test Results
Practical demonstration of the LumiraDx testing device
Virtual Ward Rounds in a Care Home
Practicalities of a Virtual Consultation
The use of pulse oximeters as an advanced safety net for patients with COVID-19 in the community
Triage of a patient with suspected COVID-19
Change in Clinical Status: Escalating from Ward to ITU
Antibiotic management of patients with suspected COVID-19 admitted from the community
Management of COVID-19 patients in Ventilatory failure
All Wales Pathway for Weaning COVID-19 patients with Tracheostomies
Differential diagnosis in COVID-19
Clinical presentation of COVID-19
Examination of a patient with suspected COVID-19
Oxygen Delivery Devices in COVID-19
The ISARIC 4C Mortality Score
Remdesivir in COVID-19: an update
Typical and Atypical Features of COVID-19 Chest CT-Scan
COVID-19 Diagnostic Pathway – The Role of Radiology
Monitoring oxygen saturations in COVID-19
Typical and Atypical Features of COVID-19 Chest X-Ray
Value of Blood Gas Measurement in COVID-19
Chest CT Scan Classification in COVID-19
Chest CT Diagnostic classification system: Classical COVID
Chest CT Diagnostic classification system: Probable COVID
Chest CT Diagnostic classification system: Indeterminate COVID
Quantifying severity of disease: Chest CT scan
Quantifying severity of disease: Chest X-ray
Quantifying severity of disease: Lung Ultrasound
Decision making on suitability for ITU care
Chest CT Diagnostic classification system: Non COVID
Managing a patient on a COVID-19 cohort area (ward)
Assessing suitability for weaning
Principles of Palliative Care on a COVID-19 Ward
Decision support aid for patients with COVID-19 who are likely to benefit from critical care
CPAP in the weaning process on a COVID-19 ward
Tracheostomy mask in the weaning process on a COVID-19 ward
Decannulation of a tracheostomy in the weaning process
Daily Checklist for COVID-19 Wards
Use of CPAP in COVID-19
Managing a patient with a Tracheostomy on a COVID-19 ward
Pressure Support vs Inspired Oxygen Concentration
Complications of COVID-19
Barriers to communicating with patients
Myocarditis: A complication of COVID-19
Treating Myocarditis in COVID-19
Self-care during COVID-19: It’s ok not to be ok
Breaking bad news over the phone
Proning in the awake patient
Proning in a ventilated patient
Criteria for transferring a tracheosomised patient to a COVID-19 ward
Weaning pressure or volume ventilator support on a COVID-19 Ward
Preliminary Clinical Trial Findings: Remdesivir
Preliminary clinical trial findings: Dexamethasone
Monitoring of patients on a COVID-19 ward
Use of high-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO)
The use of corticosteroids in COVID-19: an update
The use of Interleukin-6 inhibitors
Importance of nutritional support on a COVID-19 ward
Managing steroid-induced hyperglycaemia in patients with COVID-19
Gastrointestinal protection in patients with COVID-19
The Trilogy Evo Ventilator: A Walkaround
The Trilogy Evo Ventilator: Fitting the Oxygen Cell
The Trilogy Evo Ventilator: Setting up a patient circuit
The Trilogy Evo Ventilator: Unlocking and Locking the unit
The Trilogy Evo Ventilator: Setting up a Prescription
The Trilogy Evo Ventilator: End-tidal CO2 Monitoring
The Trilogy Evo Ventilator: Fitting the Full-Face Mask
The DreamStation CPAP Machine: A Walkaround
The DreamStation CPAP Machine: Set up in Swansea Bay UHB
The DreamStation CPAP Machine: Setting up a patient circuit
Breas VIVO 55 Ventilator: A Walkaround
Breas VIVO 55 Ventilator: Setting up the FiO2 sensor
Breas VIVO 55 Ventilator: Setting up the patient circuit for non-invasive ventilation
Breas VIVO 55 Ventilator: Setting up the End-tidal CO2 monitor
Breas VIVO 55 Ventilator: Setting the patient prescription and alarms
Breas VIVO 55 Ventilator: Starting therapy and monitoring the patient
ResMed Airsense 10 CPAP machine: Triple Ten Therapy in YGC
ResMed Airsense 10 CPAP machine: Patient setup
A daily checklist for ventilated COVID-19 patients
Strategy for invasive ventilation delivered in ICU
Principles of Palliative Care on Intensive Care
Follow Up of Patients with COVID-19 pneumonia
Follow Up Pathway (Severe COVID-19 pneumonia)
Follow Up Pathway (Mild to Moderate COVID-19 pneumonia)
CPR in the Acute Hospital setting during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 Testing During Recovery
Managing patients with COVID-19 rapidly deteriorating to end of life when CPAP/NIV is their ceiling of care
Managing patients with COVID-19 rapidly deteriorating to end of life when oxygen therapy is their ceiling of care
Managing Breathlessness in end-of-life care
Managing Delirium in end-of-life care
Managing Cough in end-of-life care
Completing a death certificate and registering a death in COVID-19
TV Show: Preliminary findings from the PRINCIPLE Trial – Inhaled Budesonide
Addressing COVID-19 vaccine safety concerns
The next phase of COVID-19 vaccine programme
Referral into Long COVID Rehabilitation Services in Wales
The Theories of Long COVID and Rehabilitation
The Importance of Pacing in Long COVID
The NHS Wales COVID Recovery App
Taking a headache history
TV Shows
TV Show: PPE in COVID-19
TV Show: The NHS Wales COVID Recovery App
All-Wales COVID-19 Secondary Care Guideline
All Wales Guideline for the Management of patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 in the Community
TV Show: Long COVID services in Wales
All Wales Guideline for the Management of patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 in the Community
Management of oxygenation failure on COVID-19 wards
Antibiotic management of patients with suspected COVID-19 admitted from the community
All Wales Pathway for Weaning COVID-19 patients with Tracheostomies
All-Wales COVID-19 Secondary Care Guideline
Managing patients with COVID-19 rapidly deteriorating to end of life when oxygen therapy is their ceiling of care
Managing patients with COVID-19 rapidly deteriorating to end of life when CPAP/NIV is their ceiling of care