TV Show: Preliminary findings from the PRINCIPLE Trial – Inhaled Budesonide – ICST

TV Show: Preliminary findings from the PRINCIPLE Trial – Inhaled Budesonide

TV show by Professor Chris Butler, co-investigator in the PRINCIPLE trial, GP and Professor of Primary Care at the University of Oxford.

In this episode of the TV show, Chris outlines the preliminary results of the inhaled Budesonide arm of the PRINCIPLE Trial.

The PRINCIPLE trial is a nationwide clinical study to find treatments for people recovering from COVID-19 at home.

According to findings from the PRINCIPLE trial, inhaled budesonide, which is a relatively inexpensive drug, is the first drug found to shorten recovery times in COVID-19 patients with risk factors for adverse outcomes.

Included in the trial:

  • Patients over the age of 50 years with underlying health conditions
  • Patients over the age of 65 years

TV Show: Preliminary findings from the PRINCIPLE Trial – Inhaled Budesonide

TV show by Professor Chris Butler, co-investigator in the PRINCIPLE trial, GP and Professor of Primary Care at the University of Oxford.

In this episode of the TV show, Chris outlines the preliminary results of the inhaled Budesonide arm of the PRINCIPLE Trial.

The PRINCIPLE trial is a nationwide clinical study to find treatments for people recovering from COVID-19 at home.

According to findings from the PRINCIPLE trial, inhaled budesonide, which is a relatively inexpensive drug, is the first drug found to shorten recovery times in COVID-19 patients with risk factors for adverse outcomes.

Included in the trial:

  • Patients over the age of 50 years with underlying health conditions
  • Patients over the age of 65 years
Mark as Understood


Interim analyses from the PRINCIPLE trial

Inhaled budesonide for COVID-19 in people at higher risk of adverse outcomes in the community

COVID-19 Therapeutic Alert

Inhaled Budesonide for Adults (50 Years and Over) with COVID-19

Interim Position Statement

Inhaled budesonide for adults (50 years and over) with COVID-19

News article from PRINCIPLE Trial

PRINCIPLE is a nationwide clinical study from the University of Oxford to find COVID-19 treatments for recovery at home.

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