TV Show: Long COVID services in Wales – ICST

TV Show: Long COVID services in Wales

TV show presented by Claire Madsen, Executive Director of Therapies and Health Science in Powys Teaching Health Board, and expert advisor for the NICE guideline on managing the long-term effects of COVID-19.

In this episode of the TV show, Claire introduces the All Wales Guideline for Managing people with Long COVID, an interactive guideline which will support primary care teams to assess a patient presenting with Long COVID. And, due to the nature of this new condition, this guideline has been built to provide regular notifications about any relevant updates as new evidence emerges or changes.

TV Show: Long COVID services in Wales

TV show presented by Claire Madsen, Executive Director of Therapies and Health Science in Powys Teaching Health Board, and expert advisor for the NICE guideline on managing the long-term effects of COVID-19.

In this episode of the TV show, Claire introduces the All Wales Guideline for Managing people with Long COVID, an interactive guideline which will support primary care teams to assess a patient presenting with Long COVID. And, due to the nature of this new condition, this guideline has been built to provide regular notifications about any relevant updates as new evidence emerges or changes.

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