Performing a fibrosis risk assessment in practice – ICST

Performing a fibrosis risk assessment in practice

Tutorial presented by Dr Steve Short, Principal General Practitioner, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

A fibrosis risk assessment assesses the patient’s risk of liver fibrosis. They are helpful in patients who have a Hepatitic pattern on their blood test results and have risk factors such as obesity and high alcohol consumption, and will determine whether the patient requires specialist review or can be managed in primary care.

There are different types of fibrosis risk assessment, each requiring different variables to input into the assessment calculator. Some examples include:

  • NAFLD fibrosis score
  • Fib-4 score
  • AST:ALT ratio


The All-Wales Abnormal Liver Blood test pathway (linked below) will facilitate an AST value being returned automatically, when a second liver blood test finds abnormality on the ALT.

Performing a fibrosis risk assessment in practice

Tutorial presented by Dr Steve Short, Principal General Practitioner, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

A fibrosis risk assessment assesses the patient’s risk of liver fibrosis. They are helpful in patients who have a Hepatitic pattern on their blood test results and have risk factors such as obesity and high alcohol consumption, and will determine whether the patient requires specialist review or can be managed in primary care.

There are different types of fibrosis risk assessment, each requiring different variables to input into the assessment calculator. Some examples include:

  • NAFLD fibrosis score
  • Fib-4 score
  • AST:ALT ratio


The All-Wales Abnormal Liver Blood test pathway (linked below) will facilitate an AST value being returned automatically, when a second liver blood test finds abnormality on the ALT.

Mark as Understood


All-Wales Abnormal Liver Blood Test Pathway

A standardised, efficient approach to the management of abnormal liver blood tests.

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