Managing patients in primary care who have a low risk of fibrosis – ICST

Managing patients in primary care who have a low risk of fibrosis

Tutorial presented by Dr Steve Short, Principal General Practitioner, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

There will be patients who have been found to be low risk for liver fibrosis using a Fibrosis Risk Assessment tool, and risk factors should be considered and addressed with the patient to reduce the risk further for developing liver fibrosis or subsequent cirrhosis.

The majority of these patients will be obese and/or have high alcohol consumption which is tipping their liver blood tests into abnormal ranges, and these risk factors should be addressed at every opportunity in primary care.

Managing patients in primary care who have a low risk of fibrosis

Tutorial presented by Dr Steve Short, Principal General Practitioner, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

There will be patients who have been found to be low risk for liver fibrosis using a Fibrosis Risk Assessment tool, and risk factors should be considered and addressed with the patient to reduce the risk further for developing liver fibrosis or subsequent cirrhosis.

The majority of these patients will be obese and/or have high alcohol consumption which is tipping their liver blood tests into abnormal ranges, and these risk factors should be addressed at every opportunity in primary care.

Mark as Understood

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© Institute of Clinical Science and Technology (ICST) 2020
