On Friday 12th November 2021 we held the launch event for The NHS Wales Asthma and COPD apps Version 2.0
Watch the recording of the event here.
An interactive 1-hour event for all healthcare professionals who provide care to patients with Asthma or COPD.
The event was hosted by Joseph Carter – Head of Devolved Nations for Asthma UK and British Lung Foundation, and the expert panel includes:
- Dr Julian Forton – Consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, RHIG Child Health Lead
- Dr Katie Pink – National Asthma Clinical Lead and Consultant Respiratory Physician
- Dave Edwards – Respiratory Pharmacist Prescriber
- Jackie Reynolds – Practice Pharmacist
- Claire Hurlin – Chronic Conditions Lead in HDUHB
If you would like any physical copies of the app leaflets and posters (linked in the resources below) for use in your place of work, please email support@healthhub.wales with your name, address for the materials to be delivered to, and how many of each you need.
Your help is important for reaching patients
A social media campaign, titled ‘Keeping Wales Well’ was published on Friday 12th November from Healthhub on Facebook and Twitter (linked below). If everyone shares this post once, the potential reach we would have would make a big difference to patients in Wales. Please share our posts and be involved in keeping Wales well!