Long-term management of COPD Learning

Check out the TV show, tutorials and subtutorials on the long-term management of COPD in practice. When you are ready, navigate to the assessment to achieve the certificate against the National Welsh Standard (NWS).


Confirming a diagnosis of COPD

Referral for high value interventions

Categorise the patient into three COPD phenotypes

The COPD Annual Review


Introducing the NHS Wales HealthHub apps

Where to find the NHS Wales Healthhub Apps?

Getting started with the NHS Wales Healthhub Apps

The Development of COPD

Personal Impact of COPD

Inhaler mechanism of action

Management of Patients in Primary Care

Pulmonary rehabilitation

Single, Dual and Triple Therapy

The QALY Pyramid

GOLD 2017 Guidelines

The health benefits of quitting smoking

The Fletcher-Peto curve

Making an informed decision

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