According to the All Wales Asthma diagnosis guideline (linked below), patients will be categorised by the likelihood of asthma diagnosis; confirmed, suspected, or unlikely.
Asthma diagnosis confirmed
Start treatment and give asthma education and advice
- GINA low dose ICS
- Record objective measure of control pre-treatment (RCP 3)
- Review symptoms and response to treatment at 8 weeks
- Inhaler technique and correct spacer
- Personalised asthma action plan and AsthmaHub App
- Triggers
- First and secondhand smoking advice
- Flu vaccination
Asthma diagnosis suspected
- If the patient is asymptomatic, consider watchful waiting
- If symptomatic, perform treatment trail (see page linked below)
Low probability of asthma
- Consider alternative diagnoses
- Repeat objective tests (especially when symptomatic)
- Consider referral to secondary care