Breathing Pattern Disorders in the context of COVID-19 – ICST

Breathing Pattern Disorders in the context of COVID-19

Tutorial presented by Elayn Ang, a specialist respiratory physiotherapist in BCUHB.

In this tutorial, Elayn outlines why patients who have had an acute chest insult, such as COVID-19, may develop a Breathing Pattern Disorders (BPD). Patients with a breathing pattern disorder may present with a variety of symptoms such as breathlessness, palpitations, chest pain or tightness, light-headedness, etc. These symptoms are likely to be present in the absence of, or excess of, any ongoing organic cause.

It is widely reported that many patients with Long Covid struggle with breathlessness and debilitating fatigue. A breathing pattern disorder will exacerbate these symptoms. Breathing in an inefficient pattern, as seen in BPD, can use up to 30% of energy, compared to 2% or less when breathing using a normal breathing pattern at rest.

The Brompton Breathing Pattern Assessment Tool (linked below) is a useful tool for assessing breathing pattern and can be completed during a consultation by simply observing the patients’ breathing for 1 minute. A score of 4 or more is indicative of a breathing pattern disorder.

It is important to educate your patient on some key aspects of a normal breathing pattern, so they can begin to re-train their breathing. There are videos that patients can be signposted to on the NHS Wales COVID Recovery App. The website Physiotherapy for BPD also has some useful resources.

Breathing Pattern Disorders in the context of COVID-19

Tutorial presented by Elayn Ang, a specialist respiratory physiotherapist in BCUHB.

In this tutorial, Elayn outlines why patients who have had an acute chest insult, such as COVID-19, may develop a Breathing Pattern Disorders (BPD). Patients with a breathing pattern disorder may present with a variety of symptoms such as breathlessness, palpitations, chest pain or tightness, light-headedness, etc. These symptoms are likely to be present in the absence of, or excess of, any ongoing organic cause.

It is widely reported that many patients with Long Covid struggle with breathlessness and debilitating fatigue. A breathing pattern disorder will exacerbate these symptoms. Breathing in an inefficient pattern, as seen in BPD, can use up to 30% of energy, compared to 2% or less when breathing using a normal breathing pattern at rest.

The Brompton Breathing Pattern Assessment Tool (linked below) is a useful tool for assessing breathing pattern and can be completed during a consultation by simply observing the patients’ breathing for 1 minute. A score of 4 or more is indicative of a breathing pattern disorder.

It is important to educate your patient on some key aspects of a normal breathing pattern, so they can begin to re-train their breathing. There are videos that patients can be signposted to on the NHS Wales COVID Recovery App. The website Physiotherapy for BPD also has some useful resources.

An overview of Breathing Pattern Disorders

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Brompton Breathing Pattern Assessment Tool (BPAT)

An assessment tool for Breathing Pattern Disorders.

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An overview of Breathing Pattern Disorders

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