Tuesday 4th May 2021
World Asthma Day: Together Improving Asthma Care in Wales
Time: 12:00 PM
Virtual Online Event
This event has already been.
About this event
Join us on the live event – using this Teams Link Together improving Asthma care in Wales. Showcasing your national toolkit in this exclusive one hour event. Tuesday 4 May 2021 – 12pm. Don’t miss out, book now.
Book onto the event using the button above and view the All Wales ICST platform asthma resources all in one place using the button below.
Introduced by
Joseph Carter
Joseph is the Head of Devolved Nations for Asthma UK and British Lung Foundation, leading on communications and external affairs for the organisation in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. He has been with the charity for 6 years, is passionate about using behaviour and lifestyle change to improve people’s lives and where possible prevent chronic conditions altogether. The organisation is the leading health charity in the battle against air pollution and Joseph is chair of Healthy Air Cymru.
Follow Joseph on Twitter:
Presenting the All Wales Asthma Guidelines
Katie Pink
Katie Pink is consultant in respiratory medicine within Cardiff & Vale University Health Board and Asthma lead for Respiratory Health Implementation Group (RHIG). Katie is the primary author of the All Wales adult Asthma guidelines and Chair of the Welsh Difficult Asthma Group (WeDAG), as well as being involved with the National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP).
Follow Katie on Twitter:
Presenting the All Wales education suite and the National Welsh Standards
Dave Edwards
Dave is a Respiratory Pharmacist Prescriber working in Primary Care. He has been funded by the South Pembrokeshire Cluster to improve the management of patients with asthma and COPD. He has a particular interest in patient education, promoting their understanding of the condition that will enable effective self-management.
Presenting the NACAP Audit and All Wales QI project toolkit
Katherine Hickman
Katherine is the Primary Care Lead for the RCP’s National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP) and is also a GP partner in Bradford. She has developed a keen interest in Respiratory medicine. Katherine is the driving force behind the quality improvement priorities for primary care teams, ensuring the projects are realistic and achievable for busy practices.
Presenting the All Wales NHS Respiratory Apps
Julian Forton
Julian Forton is consultant in paediatric respiratory medicine at Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital for Wales in Cardiff and clinical lead for Child Health at RHIG. He is leading on NHS Wales App development for respiratory diseases.