21 Jun

Friday 21st June 2024

Tracheostomy clinical skills and emergency management training

Time: 9:00 AM

Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XW

This event has already been.

About this event

A 2.5hr session covering essential tracheostomy clinical skills
Please endeavour to complete the ICST online tracheostomy platform before attending this event
Tracheostomy clinical skills and emergency management training, to include:
Essential clinical skills such as tracheal suction, dressing changes etc.
Red flags- identifying the signs of a blocked or displaced tracheostomy
Tracheostomy and laryngectomy emergency algorithms
For more details contact Jennifer.Lowes@Wales.nhs.uk

Parking and Venue Details

© Institute of Clinical Science and Technology (ICST) 2020 Support: support@icst.org.uk