When to use FeNO; understanding the clinical application of the test – ICST

When to use FeNO; understanding the clinical application of the test

FeNO is elevated in the presence of eosinophilic inflammation in the airways, commonly associated with allergic asthma.

There are three main indications for FeNO:

  1. to aid diagnosis
  2. in monitoring asthma control
  3. in monitoring inhaler compliance

When to use FeNO; understanding the clinical application of the test

FeNO is elevated in the presence of eosinophilic inflammation in the airways, commonly associated with allergic asthma.

There are three main indications for FeNO:

  1. to aid diagnosis
  2. in monitoring asthma control
  3. in monitoring inhaler compliance
Mark as Understood


All-Wales Asthma Diagnosis Guideline

Asthma is defined as a clinical diagnosis, supported by tests of airway obstruction, hyper-responsiveness, and inflammation. The All-Wales Adult Asthma Diagnostic guideline provides a simple, step-by-step pathway for making a diagnosis of Asthma in Wales.

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