TV Show: Non-Invasive Ventilation in the Acute Setting – ICST

TV Show: Non-Invasive Ventilation in the Acute Setting

The NCEPOD report, which examined increases in hospital mortality rates associated with non-invasive ventilation in the acute setting, found that there was wide variation in both the organisation of acute NIV services and the clinical care provided. NIV treatment was often delayed due to the recognition of which patients would benefit from NIV or appreciating the ultimate goal of the treatment provided.

The All-Wales Acute NIV guideline is a simple, one-page guideline, providing specific guidance for anyone presenting with suspected acute hypercapnic respiratory failure to an acute setting. It standardises the diagnostic process, and provides a consistent approach to care in Wales.

In this TV show, Dr Simon Barry, National Respiratory Clinical Lead, and Dr Sara Fairbairn, National NIV Clinical Lead, explores the problem further and introduces the Guideline.

TV Show: Non-Invasive Ventilation in the Acute Setting

The NCEPOD report, which examined increases in hospital mortality rates associated with non-invasive ventilation in the acute setting, found that there was wide variation in both the organisation of acute NIV services and the clinical care provided. NIV treatment was often delayed due to the recognition of which patients would benefit from NIV or appreciating the ultimate goal of the treatment provided.

The All-Wales Acute NIV guideline is a simple, one-page guideline, providing specific guidance for anyone presenting with suspected acute hypercapnic respiratory failure to an acute setting. It standardises the diagnostic process, and provides a consistent approach to care in Wales.

In this TV show, Dr Simon Barry, National Respiratory Clinical Lead, and Dr Sara Fairbairn, National NIV Clinical Lead, explores the problem further and introduces the Guideline.

Mark as Understood


All-Wales Acute NIV Pathway


A review of the quality of care provided to patients receiving acute non-invasive ventilation.

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