Reviewing a patient with primary headache disorder in practice – ICST

Reviewing a patient with primary headache disorder in practice

Tutorial presented by Dr Stephen Cotton, GP with a Special Interest in Neurology

In this tutorial, Steve provides an overview of who can be managed in primary care with headache disorders, covering the following three topics:

  • The headaches disorders that can be managed in primary care
  • Patients that are waiting to be seen in neurology
  • Not anchoring on a diagnosis

Reviewing a patient with primary headache disorder in practice

Tutorial presented by Dr Stephen Cotton, GP with a Special Interest in Neurology

In this tutorial, Steve provides an overview of who can be managed in primary care with headache disorders, covering the following three topics:

  • The headaches disorders that can be managed in primary care
  • Patients that are waiting to be seen in neurology
  • Not anchoring on a diagnosis
Mark as Understood

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