Pre and post bronchodilator spirometry – ICST

Pre and post bronchodilator spirometry

Unlike asthma, COPD patients do not have normal lung function on a good day. The risk if you perform pre-bronchodilator diagnostic spirometry on your patients and the result is abnormal:

  • it could be COPD
  • it could also be asthma

If you perform post-bronchodilator diagnostic spirometry on your patients and the result is abnormal:

  • it is COPD

Spirometry is still underused when a patient presents with signs and symptoms of COPD. However, the diagnostic accuracy of making COPD diagnosis just based on clinical findings, is around 50%.

Pre and post bronchodilator spirometry

Unlike asthma, COPD patients do not have normal lung function on a good day. The risk if you perform pre-bronchodilator diagnostic spirometry on your patients and the result is abnormal:

  • it could be COPD
  • it could also be asthma

If you perform post-bronchodilator diagnostic spirometry on your patients and the result is abnormal:

  • it is COPD

Spirometry is still underused when a patient presents with signs and symptoms of COPD. However, the diagnostic accuracy of making COPD diagnosis just based on clinical findings, is around 50%.

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