Pathogenesis of OSA – ICST

Pathogenesis of OSA

In patients with OSA there are periodic interruptions of breathing during sleep by complete or partial occlusion of the upper airway (pharynx). OSA is most commonly associated with obesity and results in many other adverse health consequences, including an increased risk of death. Where the patient has symptoms of daytime sleepiness – this is considered Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Hypopnoea Syndrome (OSAHS).

Pathogenesis of OSA

In patients with OSA there are periodic interruptions of breathing during sleep by complete or partial occlusion of the upper airway (pharynx). OSA is most commonly associated with obesity and results in many other adverse health consequences, including an increased risk of death. Where the patient has symptoms of daytime sleepiness – this is considered Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Hypopnoea Syndrome (OSAHS).

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