No Objective Evidence of Asthma? – ICST

No Objective Evidence of Asthma?

In some patients the history is less typical (low probability of asthma), and airflow obstruction may be difficult to demonstrate unless the patient is seen when symptomatic or after exposure to a trigger.

In these patients:

  1. Record the patient as having ‘suspected asthma’.
  2. Start a treatment trial. Typically this will be six weeks of inhaled corticosteroids
  3. Assess the baseline status using a validated questionnaire (e.g. Asthma Control Questionnaire or Asthma Control Test) and/or spirometry
  4. Arrange a follow-up appointment in 6–8 weeks in order to assess response to treatment
  5. At the follow-up appointment, symptomatic response may be assessed with a validated questionnaire and degree of bronchoconstriction may be monitored with Spirometry
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© Institute of Clinical Science and Technology (ICST) 2020
