When making a referral to Hepatology, it is important to include the following information in the referral:
- Alcohol history
- Presence of obesity
- Features of metabolic syndrome
- Drug history
- Family history of liver disease
- Results of aetiological liver screen
- Results of any abdominal imaging (Ultrasound, CT or MRI)
- Risk factors of blood borne viruses (IVDU, high-risk sexual practices, ethnicity)
Patients who are referred to secondary care Hepatology will typically undergo a Fibroscan to confirm the presence of fibrosis, which is a non-invasive scan of the stiffness of the liver. If the Fibroscan is entirely normal, a patient may be referred back to primary care for ongoing risk management.
If the Fibroscan suggests advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis, the patient will be reviewed in a Consultant-led clinic.