Initiating Non-Invasive Ventilation – ICST

Initiating Non-Invasive Ventilation

Step 3 of the All-Wales Acute NIV Guideline focuses on grouping a patient in hypercapnic respiratory failure into one of three patient groups:

  1. COPD/ Check wall/ bronchiectasis
  2. Neuromuscular disease
  3. Obesity/ obesity other overlap

Once the patient has been categorised, non-invasive ventilation can be initiated using starting pressures and pressure titration recommended on the guideline. The continued monitoring of blood gases for resolution of respiratory acidosis is also important.

Initiating Non-Invasive Ventilation

Step 3 of the All-Wales Acute NIV Guideline focuses on grouping a patient in hypercapnic respiratory failure into one of three patient groups:

  1. COPD/ Check wall/ bronchiectasis
  2. Neuromuscular disease
  3. Obesity/ obesity other overlap

Once the patient has been categorised, non-invasive ventilation can be initiated using starting pressures and pressure titration recommended on the guideline. The continued monitoring of blood gases for resolution of respiratory acidosis is also important.

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All-Wales Acute NIV Pathway

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