Hear from the National TB Clinical Lead… – ICST

Hear from the National TB Clinical Lead…

In this TV show, Dr Simon Barry introduces the All Wales Guideline for the Management of Refugees at risk of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis.

The humanitarian crisis in Ukraine has prompted the arrival of refugees into the UK, resulting in an impending public health crisis, both for:

  • Individuals with MDR-TB who are at risk of poorer health outcomes due to delays in diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • And local communities who are at risk of transmission of infection

This guideline was produced in response to an increase in the arrival of refugees from countries with high incidence of drug-resistant or multi drug-resistant TB, such as Ukraine.

Hear from the National TB Clinical Lead…

In this TV show, Dr Simon Barry introduces the All Wales Guideline for the Management of Refugees at risk of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis.

The humanitarian crisis in Ukraine has prompted the arrival of refugees into the UK, resulting in an impending public health crisis, both for:

  • Individuals with MDR-TB who are at risk of poorer health outcomes due to delays in diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • And local communities who are at risk of transmission of infection

This guideline was produced in response to an increase in the arrival of refugees from countries with high incidence of drug-resistant or multi drug-resistant TB, such as Ukraine.

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